Hints for answering the questions for the GEOL 3030 Georgia Tides exercise
GEOL 3030 - University of Georgia

1. You'll need to go to Table 1, find the times of hight tide (H) or low tide (L) for that day, and see how many hours and minutes elapsed between them.

For the second question, you may need to think about the forces that generate the tides and the temporal cycles by which they work.


2. For the first part, you need to go through the table looking for the greatest difference between successive high and low tides. If that sounds like a lot work, any easy shortcut is to simply look for the largest number in the columns of heights to narrow your search before then looking for the greatest difference between successive highs and lows.

For the second part, you might want to think about tide-generating forces again.


3. For the first part, just walk your way up the river on your map and see how the times change.

For the second, imagine how the tide comes from the ocean and into the river.


4. Be careful! Does the mean range in Table 2 increase uniformly up the river from Tybee Light to Purrysburg Landing, does it decrease uniformly, does it increase and then decrease, or does it decrease and then increase?

For the second question, you might want to think about the shape of the mouth of the river and how it might influence the tide.


5. You might want to consider the shapes or paths of the different rivers, and how those paths might influence the energy (height) of the tide.


6. You ought to see a regular trend from one end to the other of this set of locations.

For the second part, think about our theories of the tides and what they predict about movement of the tide on the Georgia coast.


See your dutiful instructor if you have more questions!.


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