Old Red Sandstone at Cawdor Castle
Building Image #2
Building Image #2
      Cawdor Castle east of Inverness is built of Devonian Old Red Sandstone. However, the photos both above and just below show that the sandstone here is actually brown. An outcrop of sandstone behind the castle (shown at the bottom of this page) is actually more conglomerate than sandstone. Thus the Old Red Sandstone is neither red nor sandstone here, although it is at least old. Another example of the Old Red Sandstone in this collection is more red and not quite so coarse.

      Cawdor Castle dates from the 1300s. There is a famous play about a Thane of Cawdor who murdered a fellow named Duncan, but that Thane lived, and Duncan died, a few centuries ealier. This castle has more to do with Clan Campbell, and it reputedly is home to at least one Campbell ghost. In the summer the castle and its gardens are open to tourists, who should be sure to read the wit hidden in the descriptions of the various rooms.

Stone Image
Outcrop Image


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